How To Choose The Material Of Chemical Mixer?

- Apr 05, 2019-

Liquid mixers are widely used in the industry, and the specific working conditions are also very different. Therefore, the mixers are diverse and require non-standard equipment designed separately. The material selection of the liquid mixer is also very research. Some liquids are corrosive, while others are solutions that add chemical materials or agents and are also corrosive. Therefore, the choice of material for the liquid agitator must be considered when helping to select a liquid mixer. The following are the electromechanical recommendations for the consideration of the cost of various materials, for some solutions that are corrosive to the agitator: by using carbon steel surface treatment (lining, spray, rubber):

a. Cost factor: The choice of product usually takes into account the cost factor, ie the price/performance ratio. Although stainless steel has certain corrosive properties, it is more expensive than carbon steel. Therefore, carbon steel is selected as the material of the agitator and corrosion protection is required. The surface must be treated with corresponding corrosion, such as: lining plastic, spray coating, rubber lining; 

b. special Working conditions: Some special working conditions, such as chloride ion, are more corrosive to stainless steel, so stainless steel cannot be selected. Carbon steel must be used for lining plastic, spray molding, rubber lining and other methods to prevent corrosion. Two kinds of high-end corrosion treatment: for strong acid, alkali, high temperature and other working conditions, there are two types of agitator surface anti-corrosion treatment, but there are also differences between the two. Teflon surface treatment Teflon is the king of antiseptic, also known as "tetrafluoro" treatment. Mainly for the acidity of chloride ion and sulfuric acid, such as: hydrofluoric acid, strong sulfuric acid, organic acid, etc., while the temperature is relatively high, it will be treated with Teflon, which fully reflects the Teflon's Corrosion and high temperature resistance. Although the wear resistance of Teflon is also good, the solid-liquid agitation of the liquid in the case of particles is slightly inferior to that of the glass-lined mixer.

Glass-lined stirrer: Because enamel contains silicon, the glass-lined stirrer is also a choice for anti-acid and high temperature resistance. However, some working conditions are still unsuitable. For example, a hydrofluoric acid suitable for a tetrafluoroagitator is not suitable for a glass stirrer. In short, because of the complexity of the specific working conditions, the material selection of the agitator should be considered when selecting the liquid mixer.